Decided to bake chicken quarters and finish with a great barbecue sauce, Scorned Woman. Also wanted to use the beautiful swiss chard purchased today at the market. Made a great dish: Swiss Chard with Beans and Goat Cheese. Recipe follows:
1 bunch swiss chard chopped***
1 tomato diced
some garlic
red peppper flakes
juice of one lemon
can of white beans, rinses and drained
butter and EVO
goat cheese
***Important note about cooking swiss chard. It's really like cooking two separate vegetables when you use both the stalks and the leaves. Slice the stalks thinly crosswise and saute them for several minutes to get them tender and then add the sliced leaves which cook and wilt pretty fast.
Saute greens and garlic in butter and EVO, after greens seem to be wilted and tender, add all the rest of the ingredients except goat cheese. Spoon mixture into shallow casserole and dot with goat cheese--bake 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Delish!