Friday, July 22, 2011

Salad Days

After six straight days of temps over 90 I can only think of salad for dinner! I had some grilled chicken in the fridge so I decided to make a really light salad of greens and chicken with a buttermilk lime dressing. To add some "heft" to the meal I added parmesan crisps and be warned: these may be addicting!!

Bag of mixed greens
sunflower seeds
two grilled chicken breasts, sliced thin
fresh cilantro 

Dressing from Martha Stewert Living:
3/4 cup buttermilk
1 t lime zest and 1/4 cup lime juice
salt and pepper
1 avocado, pitted and peeled and chunked
In a small processor or blender, combine, buttermilk, lime zest, lime juice and avocado. Blend until smooth. Season with  salt and pepper.

Parmesan Crisps

Preheat 400
Need parchment paper
Put a sheet of parchment on jelly roll pan
Drop heaping T of shredded Parmesan, pressing it down a bit--space at least 1 and 1/2 inches apart cause they spread out (like cookies)
Bake 5 minutes or so (depends on your oven--watch these--take out of oven and sprinkle with whatever you want: paprika, chili powder, cayenne, etc)

Serve with salad.

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