Monday, May 16, 2016

Eat your greens!

Here's a great side side dish that is easy and so good for you. You can make it and then just let it simmer for a half hour while you make other dishes or sip a glass of wine on the porch!

1 bag of chopped kale greens
1 can diced fire roasted tomatoes
4 garlic cloves sliced
1/2 onion sliced
salt and pepper
olive oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
red wine vinegar

In large lidded skillet heat some olive oil and sauté the onion. Add the garlic and stir a bit. Add the greens, the tomatoes and their juice and the broth. Mix well bring and turn heat to medium low--put a lid on and left them cook down--30 minutes or so.

Before serving, sprinkle each serving with red wine vinegar.

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