1-½ lbs. flank steak
2 t ground ancho chili pepper
2 T olive oil
1 T lime juice
Season steak with chili pepper and salt. Combine oil and lime in a shallow dish. Add steak and turn to cover. Let marinate at room temp for 15-30 minutes.
Grill steak on high heat about 4 minutes per side for medium rare. Let stand five minutes before cutting into thin slices and garnishing with chimichurri sauce.
Roasted Cauliflower
Oven: 425
I head of cauliflower broken into small florets
Some garlic salt
1 lemon
Olive oil
Parmesan cheese
Preheat over. Put cauliflower on cookie sheet. Squeeze lemon juice over all, drizzle olive oil, sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper. Roast 20 minutes, turn and roast another 20—Turn into serving bowl and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
Pesto Baked Tomatoes
8 plum tomatoes
Homemade pesto or some from jar
Progresso Italian breadcrumbs
Oven 425
Half plum or Roma tomatoes lengthwise. TIP: slice off a sliver from he skin side so that the halves lie flat in the baking dish,
Spread some pest on each cut side and sprinkle on some Italian breadcrumbs/ Bake 20 minute or so.
Ancho Steak dressed with the chimichurri Sauce
Bon Appetit!
Everything looks fantastic!